Are you registered to vote?

Get started: use the form below to ensure you’re registered to vote.

Not a Tennessee Resident? Visit

Your data is private and only shared with the partner you sign up through and for election reminders from You can unsubscribe at any time. You will receive election reminder text messages from if you provide your cell phone number. Message and data rates may apply. Text STOP to opt out. Text HELP for more info.

We found you!

It looks like you're already registered to vote at this address.


You can find your polling location here:

If you've recently moved and no longer reside at this address, you will need to update your address.

Start over?

Click here to check another name and address combination ›

Next step...

You'll be forwarded to TN's Online Voter Registration site in 15 seconds.

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We couldn't find your information in the voter file:


If you recently registered to vote, your information may not appear in our system just yet.

Start over?

Click here to check another name and address combination ›