Step 2: Complete Your ApplicationComplete this form and we will email you a filled-in vote registration application for you to print and deliver or mail to your local county election commissionAre you a citizen of the United States?* Yes No Will you be 18 years of age or older on or before Election Day?* Yes No Are you a resident of the State of Tennessee?* Yes No Have you ever been convicted of a crime which is a felony in this state, by a court in this state, a court in another state, or a federal court?* Yes No I understand that voter registration records are public records, open to inspection by any citizen of Tennessee, excluding the social security number, driver’s license number, and the Department of Safety and Homeland Security ID number.* Yes No I understand that giving false information to register to vote or attempting to register when not qualified is a felony punishable by not less than two (2) years nor more than twelve (12) years imprisonment or a fine of $5,000 or both.* Yes No Error MessageBased on your answers, you are not eligible to register to vote. You may not proceed with voter registration because of your answers.Restoration of Voting Rights NeededBased on your answers, you will need to visit the link below to learn about restoring your voting rights. Click here First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Suffix Street Address* Apt # County*-- select County --AndersonBedfordBentonBledsoeBlountBradleyCampbellCannonCarrollCarterCheathamChesterClaiborneClayCockeCoffeeCrockettCumberlandDavidsonDecaturDeKalbDicksonDyerFayetteFentressFranklinGibsonGilesGraingerGreeneGrundyHamblenHamiltonHancockHardemanHardinHawkinsHaywoodHendersonHenryHickmanHoustonHumphreysJacksonJeffersonJohnsonKnoxLakeLauderdaleLawrenceLewisLincolnLoudonMaconMadisonMarionMarshallMauryMcMinnMcNairyMeigsMonroeMontgomeryMooreMorganObionOvertonPerryPickettPolkPutnamRheaRoaneRobertsonRutherfordScottSequatchieSevierShelbySmithStewartSullivanSumnerTiptonTrousdaleUnicoiUnionVan BurenWarrenWashingtonWayneWeakleyWhiteWilliamsonWilsonCity* State* Zip* Phone*Email Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY City and State of Birth* Social* Sex* Male Female Race (optional) Address where you get your mail (if different than above) NAME AND ADDRESS ON LAST VOTER REGISTRATIONFull Name Previous Street Address Previous City -- select previous county ---- select previous county --AndersonBedfordBentonBledsoeBlountBradleyCampbellCannonCarrollCarterCheathamChesterClaiborneClayCockeCoffeeCrockettCumberlandDavidsonDecaturDeKalbDicksonDyerFayetteFentressFranklinGibsonGilesGraingerGreeneGrundyHamblenHamiltonHancockHardemanHardinHawkinsHaywoodHendersonHenryHickmanHoustonHumphreysJacksonJeffersonJohnsonKnoxLakeLauderdaleLawrenceLewisLincolnLoudonMaconMadisonMarionMarshallMauryMcMinnMcNairyMeigsMonroeMontgomeryMooreMorganObionOvertonPerryPickettPolkPutnamRheaRoaneRobertsonRutherfordScottSequatchieSevierShelbySmithStewartSullivanSumnerTiptonTrousdaleUnicoiUnionVan BurenWarrenWashingtonWayneWeakleyWhiteWilliamsonWilsonPrevious State Previous Zip HiddenHidden FieldsHiddenFull Name HiddenAddress Label HiddenNAACP Affiliate HiddenUrban League Chapter HiddenCivic Campus Hidden SMS-OptIn